341.Webinar: Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in practice (EN)
Webinar: Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in practice (EN)
Content of this webinar
In this 45-minute webinar you will get valuable insights into the following topics:
Overview and application…
342.Webinar: Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in der Praxis (DE)
Webinar: Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in der Praxis (DE)
In diesem 45-minütigem Webinar erhalten Sie wertvolle Einblicke zu folgenden Inhalten:
Überblick und Anwendungsgebiete von RPA…
343.Webinar: Die profitorientierte Produktenwicklung (DE)
Webinar: Die profitorientierte Produktenwicklung (DE)
In diesem 45-minütigem Webinar erhalten Sie wertvolle Einblicke zu folgenden Inhalten:
Einfluss der Produktentwicklung auf Kosten und…
344.Webinar: The profit-oriented product development (EN)
Webinar: The profit-oriented product development (EN)
Content of this webinar
In this 45-minute webinar you will get valuable insights into the following topics:
Impact of product development…
345.Webinar: Lean Office - der effiziente Arbeitsplatz (DE)
Webinar: Lean Office - der effiziente Arbeitsplatz (DE)
In diesem 45-minütigem Webinar erhalten Sie wertvolle Einblicke zu folgenden Inhalten:
Verschwendungsarten und deren Auswirkungen…
346.Webinar: Successful Use Cases for Industry 4.0 (EN)
Webinar: Successful Use Cases for Industry 4.0 (EN)
Content of this webinar
In this 45-minute webinar you will get valuable insights into the following topics:
• Particularities of industrial…
347.Webinar: An unique digital platform for OPEX 4.0
Webinar: An unique digital platform for OPEX 4.0
“Digital Platform for Operational Excellence 4.0” allows you to boost your results thanks to one single multilanguage cloud platform,…
Online Seminar (EN) - Industry 4.0 Technologies and Use Cases (Part 1)
This 120-minute training focuses on the following topics:
Overview about relevant Industry 4.0 technologies in the factory…
Online Seminar (EN) - Industrial IoT Platforms
This 120-minute training focuses on the following topics:
Functions and features of modern IoT platforms Architectural approaches for using…
Online Seminar (EN) - Data Analytics in Production
This 120-minute training focuses on the following topics:
Basics and overview of data analytics in production including use cases General…
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