331.Webinar: Process Mining as tool for digital process optimization (EN)
Webinar: Process Mining as tool for digital process optimization (EN)
Content of this webinar
In this 45-minute webinar you will get valuable insights into:
Approaches and application…
Online Training (EN): Data Analytics in Production
This 120-minute training focuses on the following topics:
Basics and overview of data analytics in production including use cases General…
Online Training (EN): Industry 4.0 Strategy and Roadmap
This 120-minute training focuses on the following topics:
Strategic approach and core elements of Industry 4.0 Creation of a big picture…
Online Training (EN): Industry 4.0 Technologies & Use Cases PART 2
This 120-minute training focuses on the following topics:
Follow up from Part 1 Deeper understanding of possible…
Online Training (EN): Industry 4.0 Maturity Assessment
This 120-minute training focuses on the following topics:
Approach for developing an Industry 4.0 roadmap Current state and target state…
Die globalen Unsicherheiten im Zuge der COVID-19 Pandemie wurden zur Belastungsprobe für die weltweiten Lieferketten. In…
Online Seminar (EN) – Industry 4.0 Basics
This 120-minute training focuses on the following topics:
Basic terminology and elements of Industry 4.0 Basic concepts, development paths and maturity…
339.Webinar: Systems Engineering in F&E Projekten (DE)
Webinar: Systems Engineering in F&E Projekten (DE)
In diesem 45-minütigem Webinar erhalten Sie wertvolle Einblicke zu folgenden Inhalten:
Grundlagen und Philosophie von Systems…
340.Webinar: Systems Engineering in R&D Projects (EN)
Webinar: Systems Engineering in R&D Projects (EN)
Content of this webinar
In this 45-minute webinar you will get valuable insights into the following topics:
Basics and philosophy of Systems…
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